Saturday, November 12, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog? That is the question. 12 November 2011

Hi Folks. I was blessed to go to the Indiana ACFW chapter luncheon meeting today in Kokomo, Indiana. I was approached by Darren, (our Hoosier Ink web master, so to speak) about taking a day each month to blog on the site. Anyone who can do this and not mess it up is a web master in my books! I'm lucky to do this on here as mush as I do. And we all know I don't do this well at all. *sigh* But I've been thinking .... Yeah I hear ya. (Don't hurt yourself, Susie.) And I prayed about it. I'm going to give it until after church tomorrow, but I think I might agree to Darren's request and get my feet wet on the Hoosier Ink site. Seems Darren thinks I have something that someone might want to read. I hope so.

Todays speaker, James Watkins spoke to us about keeping our writing dreams alive. I wish I'd taken a recorder.

All I have so far are dreams.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Frog Legs October 2011

Hello readers.

I had to share this story with you. I got tickled with my mom. She told me she'd gone to dinner with my sister at a chineese place and tried 'frog legs'. She hadn't ordered them, but my sister had some and she tasted one. She said she like the meat well enough, but she felt bad when she got down to the little bone. Mom then proceeded to say, "I just felt so bad, thinking of some little crippled frog." *hahaha* Only a "mom" would say something silly like that. Needless to say, I cracked up laughing and said, "Believe me Mom, the frog is dead. They didn't put the thing in a wheel chair or give it crutches when they cut off it's legs!" Later when we were at exercise I thought about what she might think if I told her we were having roast leg of lamb for supper. :o)

Now I'm thinking about a crippled lamb. *ohh my* But, aren't we all crippled lambs at some time or another? Does something cripple you? Do you have fear, doubt, stress? Aren't we God's sheep? Isn't Jesus our Good Shepherd? It's nice to know we can look to our Good Shepherd for guidance and comfort.

Pray without ceasing.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

12 June 2001 Shake and Bake

Ahh, the summer begins. The Genesis contest is over, at least it is for me. I've received the comments back and they were very good. I have someone working on a web site for me. At conference it was suggested we have a web site for promoting ourselves. So..... I suppose this means having a www. I saw no way of making this happen and talked to a friend about this dilemma. She talked to her son and he has agreed to build me a web site. *WOW*

On other areas of the writing front, it is so nice when you hear from a critique partner/friend that they have heard from an agent/publisher that they want to see their whole manuscript! I mean, really! How can you not be excited for them? (And not a little jealous?) I know my writing is just as good as theirs and I've been giving and getting as much in the critique group as the next guy. Yet she is getting the nibbles and I'm not. But then I chastise myself. This is NOT a competition between she and I. We don't even write in the same genre. She isn't querying the same people I query. So I step back and smile again and I want to shout. I helped! I gave her good feedback on that story. We brainstormed together over just how she wanted a scene to go. I helped. Like the little girl on the old TV commercial. It's Shake-n-Bake, and I helped!

Then we have the people we know who ask us..... How's the writing going?

I think it's going just fine. :o) I'm participating in the online courses and reading the how-to-books and attending my local critique group and working on my story. Life is good and I'm still writing. So why do I feel like that question was more of a ... So are you still deluding yourself into thinking you can write - question? Maybe because I know these people? LOL. The joke will be on them when I get my phone call or e-mail asking for my full manuscript. And as the song by John Waller says.... While I'm waiting, I will serve you. While I'm waiting, I will worship. While I'm waiting, I will not fail. I'll be running the race, even while I wait.

Keeping my dream alive.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

30 March 2011

Hello everyone. This past holiday season was very stressful for me. We have a house full here and it just seemed like a long winter. Spring is upon us and things are brighter. I am much happier and feeling very blessed. The taxes are done and the dog is house broke, things are looking up! :o) I invited a couple women from the former Defining Moments Writers Group to the Novel Group, I'm in. Tara came once and Lynda has been twice. I truly value the Scribes online writers critique group I joined through the ACFW site. Those are a great group of people. I also entered the Gennesis Contest. I certainly don't expect to win in my catagory but I believe it will be an excellent learning opportunity. The stories I'm reading in Scribes are awesome. I don't know how some of these people aren't already published. REALLY! And then there's me.... *haha* ok, and a couple others like me. But not too many like me. And it's a good thing. Because I need all the help I can get. I'll keep trying and continue to pray. :o) I've found it easier to comment and make observations on others work when I pray before reading each chapter. Prayer WORKS. Pray and dream. ~Susie