Thursday, July 30, 2009

30 July 2009 CHRISTMAS in July

We went to Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, today for a lunch matinee. We saw "Smoke On The Mountain - Sanders Family Christmas." I know..... you're all saying, CHRISTMAS? In July? Yes. They put on a Christmas show. *hahaha* They are very good shows. "Smoke On The Mountain" is a series of sorts. They have a family type saga going. All about a gospel singing family. The shows are rather funny. One of the charters, 'June' doesn't sing.... she signs. She was often disappointed because no one there was deaf. (I guess you had to be there and SEE her signing! *hahaha*) The food, the music, the show, were all very good. My mother has been to see other "Smoke On The Mountain" productions. She said they were very funny as well. I'll be watching the Beef and Boards site for more of these shows.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

29 July 2009

I went to the Novel Group this evening. Along with Roberta, I met Robin and Mary Ann. They all seemed nice.

I got some good feedback on the first chapter of my first manuscript. (*working title* Face Of An Angel) As it has been so many years since it was written, there were some obvious mistakes. Not really mistakes, just things that were out of date for today's reader. I hadn't thought about those things. They thought it could use more details. I had cut quite a bit from it when I rewrote it and I should probably put some of it back in.

Over all it was a positive experience for me. I hope I fit into the group and can give as well as get good comments. I am looking forward to the next meeting and getting more feed back.

Happy Writing! ~Susie

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

FOR MELISSA 22 July 2009

This is a link to YouTube. Saddle up your horses girl. Discover all the new horizons just waiting to be explored, this is what we were created for! Follow Him. *smile*

HUGS to you. :o)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

18 July 2009

Here it is Saturday again. I've had a headache almost all week. It's been awful. I believe it to be my sinus's. *frown* I'm feeling better but these weather changes are killing me.

We took mother to dinner Wednesday evening for her birthday. That was my excuse for not going to Roberta's novel group. I had the worst headache. Although we did take mom to dinner, I went home afterward to lie down. I did however go to Roberta's and exchanged chapters with her. What she gave me was her chapter 17. Although it wasn't a first chapter it was very well written and didn't make me feel confused as to what was going on in the story. She also gave me an outline for a book/work for hire project she is working on and the first two chapters of I believe the same work for hire. I've not read those yet, but if they are anything like chapter 17, I know I'll like them. I need to go to the library this week and check out one or two of Roberta's books. Seems a good idea to be a little more familiar with her work.

Tuesday is Defining Moments group meeting. I don't want to make the mistake of pulling out my critique chapter too early. I don't think I want another 'roasting'. *ha-ha*

Tonight is a cook-out (bbq) at Mike and Kellie's house. My strawberry pretzel dessert and brownies are ready...... Bring on the crispy (burnt) weenies and pass the mustard and onions. YUM!

Happy writing everyone.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

12 July 2009

This was the second Sunday for our 'new' pastor. So far so good. (In truth hubby and I missed his first week in the pulpit as we were out of town.)

I'm looking forward to Wednesday evening. I'm going to a writers critique group at the home of author: Roberta Gellis. I didn't realize there are so many published authors in Indiana and in this area. I don't imagine this will be a group of people who will hold my hand and tell me how wonderful my work is. I imagine this group will be harder to impress with my style of writing.

I might e-mail another local author: Cara Putman: I believe my style writing and hers are more similar. She might agree to read the first chapter of one of my books and give me feed back. She seemed very nice and genuinely interested in helping other writers when she spoke at the Defining Moments group.

E-mail Cara Putman.
Attend Roberta Gellis critique group.
Continue to work on current project writing.

Happy Writing and don't lose your dream.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

11 July 2009

Defining Moments Writers Group meeting was tonight. I took three copies of the first chapter of one of my books to trade with some of the ladies in my "small group" for critique. When Darren, our group leader, saw we were exchanging chapters, he thought it would be ok to read it to the whole group. *GASP* I was expecting Melissa, Tori and Lynda to read and comment on my work, but I was a bit intimidated by having the whole group hear what I had written. Tonight's group was smaller than normal. Only eight of us in attendance tonight. *whew*

At first, when Darren started reading, there was some laughter and I was ready to snatch back my copies and run out the door, but they got serious and read through the nine pages and decided they liked them and said, yes it did hook them and make them want to read more to find out what happens next. THAT is what I wanted to know.

Melissa and Tori also had their work read out loud and so I wasn't alone in the "roasting" so to speak. There was a lot of laughter and fun tonight.

I'm looking forward to reading the copies I got from the ladies (of their work) again at my leisure and making comments or suggestions. I like the Defining Moments group. I believe we are all on the same page with wanting to write. The ACFW Conference was mentioned tonight. It will be in Indianapolis in 2010. I can hardly wait. Several of the others are planning to attend. They joked about the possibility of having to reserve a whole floor as the group going from our area might take up a whole floor. *smile* We can only hope.

Happy Writing!


Defining Moments Group meting tonight

Hello Readers. This being my first blog post, I am experimenting with the way things look. Defining Moments Writers Group meets tonight.