Saturday, July 18, 2009

18 July 2009

Here it is Saturday again. I've had a headache almost all week. It's been awful. I believe it to be my sinus's. *frown* I'm feeling better but these weather changes are killing me.

We took mother to dinner Wednesday evening for her birthday. That was my excuse for not going to Roberta's novel group. I had the worst headache. Although we did take mom to dinner, I went home afterward to lie down. I did however go to Roberta's and exchanged chapters with her. What she gave me was her chapter 17. Although it wasn't a first chapter it was very well written and didn't make me feel confused as to what was going on in the story. She also gave me an outline for a book/work for hire project she is working on and the first two chapters of I believe the same work for hire. I've not read those yet, but if they are anything like chapter 17, I know I'll like them. I need to go to the library this week and check out one or two of Roberta's books. Seems a good idea to be a little more familiar with her work.

Tuesday is Defining Moments group meeting. I don't want to make the mistake of pulling out my critique chapter too early. I don't think I want another 'roasting'. *ha-ha*

Tonight is a cook-out (bbq) at Mike and Kellie's house. My strawberry pretzel dessert and brownies are ready...... Bring on the crispy (burnt) weenies and pass the mustard and onions. YUM!

Happy writing everyone.
