Thursday, April 29, 2010

29 Spril 2010

Hello Readers. *smile* :o)

My neurologist wants mne to try a new drug and it hasn't come yet. I called the drug support line and they told me it will take a few weeks. They told me they would either send it to my doctors office, the house or to my pharmacy. For now they weren't sure. Aparently there is a big demand for this drug and it's taking time to accomodate everyone. I was really scared because thwe doctor told me there was a possiblity of having sezuirers on the drug. BUT...... Everytime I lie in bed praying about this I wake with the same chorus playing in my head. I think this is God's way of telling me "do not be afraid". Isn't it something the way God uses many different ways to speak to us?

On another note. It has been just over a year since my brother died. I have a goofy picture of him from my 50th birthday party and for a long time I couldn't look at it without crying. Now I can look at it and say lovingly.... Bob, you goof ball. :o) (Cause he was acting goofy in the picture.)

Happy writing everyone. Listen to the voice of truth!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

17 April 2010

Hi People. Not much happening with me.

The ACFW conference is in September. With the ressession being what it is and jobs being what they are (in jeporday), I do hope to go to the conference in Indianapolis. But I will need to see if hubby still has a job after July. *sigh* I joined the Indiana chapter of the ACFW. My member fees are due for the RWA. I'm not sure if I'm going to renew, but I imagine I will.

On the health front.... My neurologist wants me to try a new drug for MS. I'm a little concerned because seizure is a side effect of the drug. I feel like God is trying to tell me not to be afraid. (because I am in His hands.) But.... (We knew there was going to be a but in here somewhere.....) Danny (the dog) has seizures and is on life long medeication. If I have a seizure the doc said I will no longer take the medication. I still feel some concern. The only thing to do is listen to my heart and what I feel God is trying to tell me... Do Not Be Afraid.

:o) *smile* In the mean time, I will continue to try to get my story ready for September. Please pray for me when you think of it and with God's help I will get through this and be ready to pitch my story to an agent or publisher in September at the national conference.

Keep on dreaming everyone.