Hi People. Not much happening with me.
The ACFW conference is in September. With the ressession being what it is and jobs being what they are (in jeporday), I do hope to go to the conference in Indianapolis. But I will need to see if hubby still has a job after July. *sigh* I joined the Indiana chapter of the ACFW. My member fees are due for the RWA. I'm not sure if I'm going to renew, but I imagine I will.
On the health front.... My neurologist wants me to try a new drug for MS. I'm a little concerned because seizure is a side effect of the drug. I feel like God is trying to tell me not to be afraid. (because I am in His hands.) But.... (We knew there was going to be a but in here somewhere.....) Danny (the dog) has seizures and is on life long medeication. If I have a seizure the doc said I will no longer take the medication. I still feel some concern. The only thing to do is listen to my heart and what I feel God is trying to tell me... Do Not Be Afraid.
:o) *smile* In the mean time, I will continue to try to get my story ready for September. Please pray for me when you think of it and with God's help I will get through this and be ready to pitch my story to an agent or publisher in September at the national conference.
Keep on dreaming everyone.