Tuesday, July 27, 2010

27 July 2010

Hello all,
We found another border collie. His name is Frank. You know... Old blue eyes. In his case - one blue eye, one brown eye. :o) We brought him home on the 25th.
As I've been reading the e-mail loop for the ACFW conference, I keep seeing the suggestion to have a business card to hand to folks I want to network with. So..... I went to http://www.vistaprint.com/ and ordered a set of plain business cards. They will have my: Name - The name of my manuscript - A Bible verse - My E-mail address and my phone number on them. I feel a little silly. Who has business cards if they aren't in a business? BUT - I am in the business of writing. Not in the sense that I know a thing about the publishing industry. Rather in the sense, I am a writer. (No matter what my sister thinks! *haha*)
I feel almost overloaded with the information coming at me. I'm not going to have a one sheet made. I feel it's sort of pointless for me as I'm not published. A one sheet seems more for a published author/writer. If I need a cheat sheet for an interview, I can take my notes with me. But - I plan to know everything I want to say about my story. (Barring stage fright.) I'll practice alot before hand.
Are this domestic dreamer's dream going to come true? I hope so..... one day.
I'm off to prepare another chapter for the critique group.
Smile and keep dreaming.

Friday, July 23, 2010

23 July 2010

Hello All. We've been very sad here. Danny, our border collie died. :o( He would have been 3 years old on August 25th. He suffered seizures the past few months and they finally got the better of him. The house is VERY lonely and quiet without him.

On a lighter note - The ACFW annual conference is in Indianapolis Indiana, September 17 - 20. I'm all registered to go and can hardly wait. The e-mails I've read about the event from the ACFW loop get me fired up and excited. :o)

I've also joined Scribes Critique group through ACFW. I now know I am not ready to pitch my story at conference, but I am making it better and maybe next year I will be ready. I'm looking forward to learning all I can from the conference workshops.

Please pray I will be open to God's leading. Fourty Days of Prayer will start soon on the mail loop. I'm happy about that. I want to pray God's will be done and not mine. God knows what I want and I believe he is opening my eyes through the online critique group. I've got a lot of work to do.

I believe when I finally pitch this story, it might be as a three book series. *sigh* Maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew, but I believe God has put this on my heart.

Keep writing and dreaming.

In His name,


( The picture above is in tribute to Danny. We love and miss you boy.)