Hello All. We've been very sad here. Danny, our border collie died. :o( He would have been 3 years old on August 25th. He suffered seizures the past few months and they finally got the better of him. The house is VERY lonely and quiet without him.
On a lighter note - The ACFW annual conference is in Indianapolis Indiana, September 17 - 20. I'm all registered to go and can hardly wait. The e-mails I've read about the event from the ACFW loop get me fired up and excited. :o)
I've also joined Scribes Critique group through ACFW. I now know I am not ready to pitch my story at conference, but I am making it better and maybe next year I will be ready. I'm looking forward to learning all I can from the conference workshops.
Please pray I will be open to God's leading. Fourty Days of Prayer will start soon on the mail loop. I'm happy about that. I want to pray God's will be done and not mine. God knows what I want and I believe he is opening my eyes through the online critique group. I've got a lot of work to do.
I believe when I finally pitch this story, it might be as a three book series. *sigh* Maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew, but I believe God has put this on my heart.
Keep writing and dreaming.
In His name,
( The picture above is in tribute to Danny. We love and miss you boy.)