Well I just don't have the nerve to post on the Hoosier Ink site. I prayed and I just didn't feel like I had a strong leading. HOWEVER. I have felt a strong leading on another matter. * smile * :o) We have at my church a Global Impact Celebration. (a Missionary Confrence) When this was going on I filled out a faith pledge card. I wanted to pledge millions of $$ to missions, but of course I don't have millions of $$ to give for Gods work. So - I marked the box that said - OTHER. Now I had no idea what "other" might be. But it came to me. I thought - Why not give the proceeds of a story I write to the missions fund? Lignt Bulb! (Truthfully, I've had this idea before, but never acted upon it.) So - I called Pastor Mike and had him read my "Sock" story and told him my plan and asked him what he thought of it and he said - Take it to the missions committe and see if they think it will fly.
I took it the next week when the committe met and pitched the idea to them and they suggested I get someone to illistrtare it first and see if the children at say - daycare or preschool like it first- before printing a bunch of copy's and let them know, before they will give me the OK to run with the idea. :o) So I tried to find someone to draw some pictures of talking socks for me.... with not much luck. Long story short. I drew the pictureas myself. Joe said my socks look like boomarangs. * haha * But as of right now, Pastor Eric's wife has it and is going to read it to the pre-school class and get their reaction.
I figure if they like it and we can say - print 500 copies and sell them for $2 over what it cost to print them - then we've made $1,000 for missions. And I've helped.
Okay - It sounded like a good idea to me. Well see how it turns out.
Keep dreaming.