Hi Everyone. I went to the doctor a week ago and they sent me for a doppler of my left leg. It has been determined I have a blood clot in my left calf. *frown* I went back to the doc on Monday and he said to continue to take aspirin to thin the blood and that it will take 6 to 8 weeks for the clot to dissolve. He wants to see me back in a month. He said the clot is in an outer vein and doesn't pose a problem enough to warrant hospitalising. In the mean time I can return to exercise next week amd I am to try to keep my leg up as much as I can.
So..... What caused the clot? They believe the hormones I was taking caused the clot. I am no longer taking them. We'll see what happend next. In the mean time I will continue to rest with my leg up. :o) A good excuse to watch tv I suppose. :o)