Hi Everyone,
I read something on the email loop that said we needed to also have some marketing ideas for our book when we pitch to an agent/editor. I had no idea what they meant. So I asked. :o) Seems they will want to know I will maintain a blog and a web site. Also be willing to go to book signings and meetings and such to speak about my book to promote it.
Well..... YEAH! Who wouldn't want to do those things? I dream of book signings and going places to do it.
I got the business cards in the mail.
Frankie is a typical puppy. He chews everything. :o)
I went to the doctor about elevated liver enzymes. He wants me to lose weight. He suggested weight watchers. I might try weight watchers, but first I want to try this on my own.
Which brings me to a couple of stories. Joe and I went to an anniversary party on Saturday. I saw a woman there I haven't seen in probably ten years. She hugged me and said, "Why aren't you in a wheelchair yet?" I said, pointing to my husband, "Because he won't let me." I should have said because God has other plans for me. :o) THEN.... when I was at the doctor's office he asked when I was diagnosed with MS. I told him January 1991. He was surprised I am getting along as well as I am for being diagnosed so long. :o) I told the doctor I've had a lot of help. I said the ankle braces help and I know some doctors don't like to hear this, but PRAYER helps a lot. He agreed saying he thought mind body and spirit work together.
I think my having Multiple Sclerosis is a super testament to the grace of God in my life. God showers me with grace each and every day. Praise the Lord!
Don't stop dreaming,