Sunday, August 8, 2010

8 August 2010

WARNING: I am about to NOT be politically correct.

Hello all.

Have you seen those commericals about someone saying something is gay? When they mean something is weird?

Maybe I'm OLD. Maybe this post is showing my age. But..... When I was a kid, when we were happy we were gay! When I was a kid, if something was queer, it was strange or out of the ordinary, or weird. I am all of these things, strange, weird and out of the ordinary. And what's with a rainbow being an emblem for homosexuals? When I was a kid a rainbow was a beautiful promise from God that He will never again send a flood to destroy the whole earth.

So.... Call me the next time you hear of a GAY Pride parade. I want to join in. I'll wear my rainbow shirt with the Bible verse on it and be darn proud that God has given me joy and made me feel gay! AND - If that makes me queer - so be it. I already know I'm out of the ordinary, weird and strange!
