Monday, September 20, 2010

2010 ACFW Conference was AWESOME!

20 September 2010. I've just returned from the ACFW conference in Indianapolis Indiana. I didn't know there could be so many like minded Christian writers in one place at one time. It was an awesome experience. I pray I will be able to afford to go again next year. I hear it is to be in St. Louis, Mo.

I wish my whole church family could have gone with me. I wish my whole family could have gone. I wish Terri could have gone and all my friends and relatives. I know they would have loved it as much as I did.

Tim Downs was a great key note speaker. The work shops and classes were great. The staff and volunteers of the hotel and the ACFW were super.

I need to give a SPECIAL thank you to Fay Lamb. THANK YOU! Her husband couldn't attend and she had an extra awards banquet ticket. She gave it to my husband allowing him to attend. Again, Fay, thank you so very much! HUGS.

More on the conference later when I've wrapped my head around it some.
Don't let your dreams die. ~Susie