24 September 2010.
I sit here thinking of what Tim Downs, the keynote speaker, said. Jesus spoke in parables, stories (fiction - if you will) for a reason. Because people will listen to stories with a message more so than a list of rules or laws or someone preaching to them. We, as writers, are to use our God given gifts to write stories, fiction to glorify God and pass along His message whenever and however we can. I was happy to hear this confirmed by someone. *smile* :o)
A song played and sung during the praise and worship time was a song I'd heard before. It was a song from the movie "Fireproof". I didn't remember it though. But in this case, it touched me and it really made sense to me as a struggling (wannabe writer) writer. I'm waiting for my break. I'm waiting for my chance to be noticed by someone in the industry. I'm waiting for something to happen with my writing. The song is - While I'm Waiting - by: John Waller. I'll post the link. I hope it inspires you as much as it did me. While I'm waiting, I will praise Him! :o)
I will serve Him while I'm waiting. I will worship while I'm waiting.
I'll keep writing while I'm waiting. :o)