Hello Everyone. Novel group last night was good and a little sad. One of the ladies is leaving the group. She doesn't feel it meets her needs at this time and is joining another group. I wish I knew what group she is joining. I'd like to get into as many groups as I can to learn as much as I can. BUT..... I suppose more isn't always better. In the mean time...... The feed back I'm getting from this group is great. I'm thinking about things differently. YES..... I know I've written a good story, but the suggestions I'm getting will make it look different. Better structured.
The people who have read this particular story so far have all liked it. Only one person has said anything about which scenes should come first, or even if they should be included. This is why this group is important. They are writers with some experience. They see right off the errors I'm making and give me suggestions I can use or discard.
On a lighter note. My friend Lori is now a grand mother. She is very pleased with her new grand daughter. The delivery was a little rough on mother and baby, but both are fine now. Welcome to the world Brookelyn Makenzie!
Keep on dreaming.