Monday, October 12, 2009

12 October 2009

Hello all. Roberta had a conference to attend this week and our meeting has been postponed.

I went to the neurologist and he said my MRI has not changed since the one I had in November 2006. Almost three years! That's very good news. :o) I attribute this to God and exercise. :o) Mostly to God. If it weren't for the grace of God, I wouldn't be able to exercise as much as I do. Not that I do so much, but what I am able to do I believe has helped to keep me healthy. (Now if I can just stay away from food that isn't so healthy. But I really do like ice cream.) Thank you GOD!

The rewrite hasn't started yet. :o( I want to revise as I go along. I suppose 2 more weeks won't kill me. I could work on the internet story instead. *smile*