I decided to begin a rewrite of my first book to up date it and such. I made this decision on Wednesday last week. On Wednesday, Joe came home from work (on his birthday) sick. By Thursday evening I was getting sick. It came on quickly. The pigs were flying around here like you wouldn't believe. On Friday I was so ill I thought I should have gone to the hospital. I couldn't even sit up in bed without help. I lived on tylenol every 4 hours for 48 hours or so.
By Saturday evening I was feeling up to eating a little something. I am much better than I was. I called the doctor office on Monday. They think we have H1N1. (SWINE FLU!) I don't doubt it. There is nothing to be done for it except rest and fluids. Hubby is still sick. More so than I am. Our son also had this the same time we did. Three sick folks in one house. Not good. Mother lives with us and she had gotten a flu shot about 3 weeks ago. She wasn't near as sick as we were. All she noticed was a little increase in cough.
On the other hand I was wiped out for the weekend. Hopefully the worst is over and we are all on the mend.
Needless to say, the rewrite has not been started yet. I will get to it. But I might need another day or two to rest.
Remember...... Duck if you see a flying pig! :o)