Monday, August 31, 2009

Entry #2 for 31 August 2009

For those who don't know. My older brother, Bob, died as a result of a one car accident on March 12. When the accident happened, we read in the paper and got info from the police that they suspected speeding and alcohol were factors in the crash. He was taken by life line helicopter to Indianapolis, where he died before morning.

All this time I've been angry with him for drinking and driving. I assumed he was drunk. I believe that if you've even had one drink you have no business behind the wheel of a car.

I went with mom to her doctor appointment today and she took along the blood toxicology report from the Marion County Coroners Office. I have no idea what the legal limits are for blood reports. The doctor assured mom that from reading the report, he did indeed have alcohol in his system, but probably not more than one beer. He said the level was low.

I am relieved to know he wasn't drunk while driving. AND...... I'm sorry for assuming the worst about my brother.

Can I search for someone elses blog?

Can anyone help me? Can I search for a google address and see if there is a blog posted on here somewhere?

31 August 2009

Happy Birthday to my sister in law Reva!

I got a 40 page short story in e-mail from Roberta yesterday. I've read it. I think it's good. I've printed it and will take it on Wednesday to novel group with my comments and markings. I told Roberta I didn't feel qualified to critique her work. She told me, who better than a normal reader which is who will be reading once it is published. That made me feel better. *smile*

I've been in a bit of a rut with my writing. I wasn't able to attend the Defining Moments group on Saturday. The flu I had all last week, hubby seems to have taken from me. *frown* Poor baby..... I know how yucky he feels. I'm hoping now that I'm feeling a bit better I can shake this sludge from my brain and get back into writing.

Exercise today! (was too sick to go last week) Surely the exercise will help clear my brain. :o)

Happy Monday and happy writing everyone.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

26 August 2009

Another picture of Dan when he was a pup. Can't you see the evil in that little blue eye? He was thinking..... As soon as you turn your head I'm going to chew on the corner of this sofa, and the chair and the table and that pair of shoes over there..... etc, etc, etc.

Happy Birthday Danny 25 August 2009

FINALLY! The devil dog turns 2 years old. In the first picture he was around 18 months old. (posing with my great niece, who was playing dress up in my old wedding gown.) In the second picture he was around 8 weeks old. The whole world is no longer his chewy toy. Thank God for small favors. *smile*

Monday, August 17, 2009

17 August 2009

Hello Everyone. This afternoon I sent my children's short story, "THE SOCK" to Highlights Children's Magazine. I hope they accept it for publication.

I helped my nephew, Dakota, with an essay he needed to write. :o) I think I was asked to help because he was told it needed to be a 500 word essay. *giggle* Five hundred words sounds like a truck load of words to an eleven year old. Poor little guy was really worried about it. He kept asking me, "Will we be able to write more than eighty words?" Apparently 80 words to him seemed huge. I assured him if we followed the guidelines set forth we would indeed be able to write 500 words. He was pleased and relieved when when were done. It was just short of two pages, and right around 560 words. It was nice to see him smile because of what we had acomplished. I hope this shows him that writing isn't such a daunting task and if he sets his mind to folloowing instructions he can write just about anything he is asked to write.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
Follow your dreams.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

12 August 2009

I like the novel group. If I take the suggestions made - my book will take on a whole new look. It does need to be updated if I want to find a publisher for it. I didn't realize how "dated" it sounded. In my defense, that book was born in my imagination in the early 90's. (No wonder it sounds dated.) It will be a major undertaking for me to revise and rewrite. I think it would be a good thing for me to do. *sigh* I have the project I'm working on and now another project I could start. I think it is best I don't start a rewrite just yet. I'd like to get more input before changing everything.

Keep on your eyes on your dream. ~Susie

Sunday, August 9, 2009

9 August 2009

I went to an informal gathering of my class mates. Last night at the Manor Lounge went quite well. Better than I expected even. *smile* I don't know what I expected. I suppose I expected the clicks of high school. There was none of that as only four people showed up. It was nice to find out where some people are now. Many of our graduating class have passed on for one reason of another. More so than I thought would have by now. But with heart attacks and auto accidents, it is bound to happen. And we aren't getting any younger. Thinking of these ten or twelve who are no longer with us makes me think of my brother who died in March. We expect to have to bury our parents, but we don't expect to have to bury our siblings and our children. I can imagine the heart ache endured by the parents of the ones gone from our class. But only because I've seen first hand how it has been on my mom.

I cleaned the green beans Terri gave me on Friday. A welcome addition to dinner. This time of year is nice, with all the fresh produce. I've got fresh green peppers, green beans and cucumbers. God's harvest is plentiful. Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

4 August 2009 Upcoming Confrences

I read the other day, the RWA Conference is in Nashville in 2010. That's only around six hours drive from me. The conference will be expensive. *frown* So now I'm a bit conflicted. I want to attend the ACFW Conf. in Indianapolis in September 2010. Do I try to attend both? Or choose between the two? I'm afraid I will have to pick one or the other because of money issues. $400 - $500 for a conference is expensive. I'm not sure if this cost includes the cost of the hotel room. I want to stay on site, where ever the meetings are going to be. I don't imagine the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, is cheap. *sigh*

Either way, I'll need to start saving now! :o)

I've a womens ministry meeting today at church. I thought the book discussion has gone well. I hope we decide to plan another (book club) of these events.

I'm a work in progress. I don't imagine I will ever be done. I can not see God's being done with me anytime soon. Lucky for me He isn't tired of working on me yet. :o) I pray about these things and think on them. Am I doing what I want to do? Or am I striving to do what God wants me to do? Why must I constantly question myself? I suppose it is because God made me this way. :o)

Keep on Dreaming (and Writing!)