I read the other day, the RWA Conference is in Nashville in 2010. That's only around six hours drive from me. The conference will be expensive. *frown* So now I'm a bit conflicted. I want to attend the ACFW Conf. in Indianapolis in September 2010. Do I try to attend both? Or choose between the two? I'm afraid I will have to pick one or the other because of money issues. $400 - $500 for a conference is expensive. I'm not sure if this cost includes the cost of the hotel room. I want to stay on site, where ever the meetings are going to be. I don't imagine the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, is cheap. *sigh*
Either way, I'll need to start saving now! :o)
I've a womens ministry meeting today at church. I thought the book discussion has gone well. I hope we decide to plan another (book club) of these events.
I'm a work in progress. I don't imagine I will ever be done. I can not see God's being done with me anytime soon. Lucky for me He isn't tired of working on me yet. :o) I pray about these things and think on them. Am I doing what I want to do? Or am I striving to do what God wants me to do? Why must I constantly question myself? I suppose it is because God made me this way. :o)
Keep on Dreaming (and Writing!)