Monday, August 17, 2009

17 August 2009

Hello Everyone. This afternoon I sent my children's short story, "THE SOCK" to Highlights Children's Magazine. I hope they accept it for publication.

I helped my nephew, Dakota, with an essay he needed to write. :o) I think I was asked to help because he was told it needed to be a 500 word essay. *giggle* Five hundred words sounds like a truck load of words to an eleven year old. Poor little guy was really worried about it. He kept asking me, "Will we be able to write more than eighty words?" Apparently 80 words to him seemed huge. I assured him if we followed the guidelines set forth we would indeed be able to write 500 words. He was pleased and relieved when when were done. It was just short of two pages, and right around 560 words. It was nice to see him smile because of what we had acomplished. I hope this shows him that writing isn't such a daunting task and if he sets his mind to folloowing instructions he can write just about anything he is asked to write.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
Follow your dreams.