For those who don't know. My older brother, Bob, died as a result of a one car accident on March 12. When the accident happened, we read in the paper and got info from the police that they suspected speeding and alcohol were factors in the crash. He was taken by life line helicopter to Indianapolis, where he died before morning.
All this time I've been angry with him for drinking and driving. I assumed he was drunk. I believe that if you've even had one drink you have no business behind the wheel of a car.
I went with mom to her doctor appointment today and she took along the blood toxicology report from the Marion County Coroners Office. I have no idea what the legal limits are for blood reports. The doctor assured mom that from reading the report, he did indeed have alcohol in his system, but probably not more than one beer. He said the level was low.
I am relieved to know he wasn't drunk while driving. AND...... I'm sorry for assuming the worst about my brother.