Sunday, August 9, 2009

9 August 2009

I went to an informal gathering of my class mates. Last night at the Manor Lounge went quite well. Better than I expected even. *smile* I don't know what I expected. I suppose I expected the clicks of high school. There was none of that as only four people showed up. It was nice to find out where some people are now. Many of our graduating class have passed on for one reason of another. More so than I thought would have by now. But with heart attacks and auto accidents, it is bound to happen. And we aren't getting any younger. Thinking of these ten or twelve who are no longer with us makes me think of my brother who died in March. We expect to have to bury our parents, but we don't expect to have to bury our siblings and our children. I can imagine the heart ache endured by the parents of the ones gone from our class. But only because I've seen first hand how it has been on my mom.

I cleaned the green beans Terri gave me on Friday. A welcome addition to dinner. This time of year is nice, with all the fresh produce. I've got fresh green peppers, green beans and cucumbers. God's harvest is plentiful. Thank you Lord.