Friday, September 24, 2010

More thoughts from ACFW Conference 2010

24 September 2010.

I sit here thinking of what Tim Downs, the keynote speaker, said. Jesus spoke in parables, stories (fiction - if you will) for a reason. Because people will listen to stories with a message more so than a list of rules or laws or someone preaching to them. We, as writers, are to use our God given gifts to write stories, fiction to glorify God and pass along His message whenever and however we can. I was happy to hear this confirmed by someone. *smile* :o)

A song played and sung during the praise and worship time was a song I'd heard before. It was a song from the movie "Fireproof". I didn't remember it though. But in this case, it touched me and it really made sense to me as a struggling (wannabe writer) writer. I'm waiting for my break. I'm waiting for my chance to be noticed by someone in the industry. I'm waiting for something to happen with my writing. The song is - While I'm Waiting - by: John Waller. I'll post the link. I hope it inspires you as much as it did me. While I'm waiting, I will praise Him! :o)

I will serve Him while I'm waiting. I will worship while I'm waiting.

I'll keep writing while I'm waiting. :o)

Monday, September 20, 2010

2010 ACFW Conference was AWESOME!

20 September 2010. I've just returned from the ACFW conference in Indianapolis Indiana. I didn't know there could be so many like minded Christian writers in one place at one time. It was an awesome experience. I pray I will be able to afford to go again next year. I hear it is to be in St. Louis, Mo.

I wish my whole church family could have gone with me. I wish my whole family could have gone. I wish Terri could have gone and all my friends and relatives. I know they would have loved it as much as I did.

Tim Downs was a great key note speaker. The work shops and classes were great. The staff and volunteers of the hotel and the ACFW were super.

I need to give a SPECIAL thank you to Fay Lamb. THANK YOU! Her husband couldn't attend and she had an extra awards banquet ticket. She gave it to my husband allowing him to attend. Again, Fay, thank you so very much! HUGS.

More on the conference later when I've wrapped my head around it some.
Don't let your dreams die. ~Susie

Friday, August 20, 2010

Frankie's Vet Visit

Hello Everyone.

Frankie went to the vet this week. He will be 13 weeks old tomorrow and he already weighs 20 pounds! WOW. I knew he was a hefty little guy. He will be much larger than Danny was.

I'm trying to diet. The main reason is because the doctor told me I have fatty liver and I need to lose weight before it becomes NASH. (some sort of non alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver - which can be fatal) Another reason is because Chrystal Miller posted on her blog it is good to lose around 5 pounds before conference so we can enjoy the good food at conference and not feel guilty. :o) I'm all for that!

I hope to go meet our new great nephew tonight. :o) Congrats to Justin and Kerri.

I've joined yet another critique group through ACFW. It's a small group. I hope to get some good feedback from the others.

Dreaming of conference,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thoughts on ACFW Conference 12 August 2010

Hi Readers.

I think I might begin putting a title on my blog posts, instead of just the date. I've noticed other bloggers doing this and it helps when I want to go back and look at a particular post.

I've been reading loads about the ACFW conference. Visiting may blogs and web sites. I'm really getting excited. All the "Godliness" I'm getting is a blessing. I am truly looking forward to the conference. I've also realized, the conference isn't just for me to pitch a story to an editor or agent. It's about making friends and relationships with other writers. I sort of thought I was going to be in competition with all the other writers. This is NOT true. They write what they write and I write what I write. We don't have the same background or experiences to draw from. My writing is mine. I'm unique and so are you. God makes us all a little different so we can compliment each other. Not compete with each other. Many writers are on the mail loop encouraging and blessing others with advise and what to expect at conference.

I am looking forward to the conference in Indianapolis now more than ever!

Keeping my dream alive. ~Susie

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 August 2010

Hi Everyone,

I read something on the email loop that said we needed to also have some marketing ideas for our book when we pitch to an agent/editor. I had no idea what they meant. So I asked. :o) Seems they will want to know I will maintain a blog and a web site. Also be willing to go to book signings and meetings and such to speak about my book to promote it.

Well..... YEAH! Who wouldn't want to do those things? I dream of book signings and going places to do it.

I got the business cards in the mail.
Frankie is a typical puppy. He chews everything. :o)

I went to the doctor about elevated liver enzymes. He wants me to lose weight. He suggested weight watchers. I might try weight watchers, but first I want to try this on my own.

Which brings me to a couple of stories. Joe and I went to an anniversary party on Saturday. I saw a woman there I haven't seen in probably ten years. She hugged me and said, "Why aren't you in a wheelchair yet?" I said, pointing to my husband, "Because he won't let me." I should have said because God has other plans for me. :o) THEN.... when I was at the doctor's office he asked when I was diagnosed with MS. I told him January 1991. He was surprised I am getting along as well as I am for being diagnosed so long. :o) I told the doctor I've had a lot of help. I said the ankle braces help and I know some doctors don't like to hear this, but PRAYER helps a lot. He agreed saying he thought mind body and spirit work together.

I think my having Multiple Sclerosis is a super testament to the grace of God in my life. God showers me with grace each and every day. Praise the Lord!

Don't stop dreaming,

Sunday, August 8, 2010

8 August 2010

WARNING: I am about to NOT be politically correct.

Hello all.

Have you seen those commericals about someone saying something is gay? When they mean something is weird?

Maybe I'm OLD. Maybe this post is showing my age. But..... When I was a kid, when we were happy we were gay! When I was a kid, if something was queer, it was strange or out of the ordinary, or weird. I am all of these things, strange, weird and out of the ordinary. And what's with a rainbow being an emblem for homosexuals? When I was a kid a rainbow was a beautiful promise from God that He will never again send a flood to destroy the whole earth.

So.... Call me the next time you hear of a GAY Pride parade. I want to join in. I'll wear my rainbow shirt with the Bible verse on it and be darn proud that God has given me joy and made me feel gay! AND - If that makes me queer - so be it. I already know I'm out of the ordinary, weird and strange!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

27 July 2010

Hello all,
We found another border collie. His name is Frank. You know... Old blue eyes. In his case - one blue eye, one brown eye. :o) We brought him home on the 25th.
As I've been reading the e-mail loop for the ACFW conference, I keep seeing the suggestion to have a business card to hand to folks I want to network with. So..... I went to and ordered a set of plain business cards. They will have my: Name - The name of my manuscript - A Bible verse - My E-mail address and my phone number on them. I feel a little silly. Who has business cards if they aren't in a business? BUT - I am in the business of writing. Not in the sense that I know a thing about the publishing industry. Rather in the sense, I am a writer. (No matter what my sister thinks! *haha*)
I feel almost overloaded with the information coming at me. I'm not going to have a one sheet made. I feel it's sort of pointless for me as I'm not published. A one sheet seems more for a published author/writer. If I need a cheat sheet for an interview, I can take my notes with me. But - I plan to know everything I want to say about my story. (Barring stage fright.) I'll practice alot before hand.
Are this domestic dreamer's dream going to come true? I hope so..... one day.
I'm off to prepare another chapter for the critique group.
Smile and keep dreaming.

Friday, July 23, 2010

23 July 2010

Hello All. We've been very sad here. Danny, our border collie died. :o( He would have been 3 years old on August 25th. He suffered seizures the past few months and they finally got the better of him. The house is VERY lonely and quiet without him.

On a lighter note - The ACFW annual conference is in Indianapolis Indiana, September 17 - 20. I'm all registered to go and can hardly wait. The e-mails I've read about the event from the ACFW loop get me fired up and excited. :o)

I've also joined Scribes Critique group through ACFW. I now know I am not ready to pitch my story at conference, but I am making it better and maybe next year I will be ready. I'm looking forward to learning all I can from the conference workshops.

Please pray I will be open to God's leading. Fourty Days of Prayer will start soon on the mail loop. I'm happy about that. I want to pray God's will be done and not mine. God knows what I want and I believe he is opening my eyes through the online critique group. I've got a lot of work to do.

I believe when I finally pitch this story, it might be as a three book series. *sigh* Maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew, but I believe God has put this on my heart.

Keep writing and dreaming.

In His name,


( The picture above is in tribute to Danny. We love and miss you boy.)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

29 Spril 2010

Hello Readers. *smile* :o)

My neurologist wants mne to try a new drug and it hasn't come yet. I called the drug support line and they told me it will take a few weeks. They told me they would either send it to my doctors office, the house or to my pharmacy. For now they weren't sure. Aparently there is a big demand for this drug and it's taking time to accomodate everyone. I was really scared because thwe doctor told me there was a possiblity of having sezuirers on the drug. BUT...... Everytime I lie in bed praying about this I wake with the same chorus playing in my head. I think this is God's way of telling me "do not be afraid". Isn't it something the way God uses many different ways to speak to us?

On another note. It has been just over a year since my brother died. I have a goofy picture of him from my 50th birthday party and for a long time I couldn't look at it without crying. Now I can look at it and say lovingly.... Bob, you goof ball. :o) (Cause he was acting goofy in the picture.)

Happy writing everyone. Listen to the voice of truth!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

17 April 2010

Hi People. Not much happening with me.

The ACFW conference is in September. With the ressession being what it is and jobs being what they are (in jeporday), I do hope to go to the conference in Indianapolis. But I will need to see if hubby still has a job after July. *sigh* I joined the Indiana chapter of the ACFW. My member fees are due for the RWA. I'm not sure if I'm going to renew, but I imagine I will.

On the health front.... My neurologist wants me to try a new drug for MS. I'm a little concerned because seizure is a side effect of the drug. I feel like God is trying to tell me not to be afraid. (because I am in His hands.) But.... (We knew there was going to be a but in here somewhere.....) Danny (the dog) has seizures and is on life long medeication. If I have a seizure the doc said I will no longer take the medication. I still feel some concern. The only thing to do is listen to my heart and what I feel God is trying to tell me... Do Not Be Afraid.

:o) *smile* In the mean time, I will continue to try to get my story ready for September. Please pray for me when you think of it and with God's help I will get through this and be ready to pitch my story to an agent or publisher in September at the national conference.

Keep on dreaming everyone.